In some cases, it may be necessary to send new activation codes to e-mail / SMS.

It may be you / auto suggestions have entered:

  • temporary password instead of activation code from new email
  • incorrect activation codes
  • combination of activation codes is incorrect

    If the sent codes can no longer be used, enter something randomly in the activation field for e-mail / SMS and you get suggestions for new codes.
    Press "Request new codes"

Go to your new e-mail / received sms and use any new codes.

Read more about activating the Verji user here.

Once you have received the username and temporary password for activating your Verji user, these will work until the activation is complete.

After using your username and temporary password, you will receive a code via e-mail / SMS when activating your Verji user.


Activation code activate activates wrong code codes autofill sms email email