To create a Vipps registration link, you must:
- Open up Verji
- Click your name in the upper left corner
- In the dropdown menu click on "portal"
- Click on "company" at the far left of the screen
- Then click on "registrations"
- Click on "new registrations link"
- Now you'll see a window with 4 choices
- The first choice is what name the link should have in the portal, so you can know what it does
- The second choice is who will own the link, as the general manager you can choose the link owner. Normal employees may only select themselves.
- The third choice is what type of link it should be. Here you have two choices, Person and Company
- Person is used when making a link aimed at a private client
- Company is used when making a link aimed at another company
- The last choice is whether or not the link should have auto approval.
- If auto apporval is on, the first user to sign up with the link will be automatically approved
- If auto approval is turned off, you must manually approve all
- Click on "Create" and the link will now be generated
- The link is ready to use.
- To use it, you need to click on "copy link", you can then send the link to those you want to talk to in Verji.
- As people start signing up with the link, they need to be let in.
- You do this in the same menu that you created the registration link.
- Click on "registrations"
- Also, you will bring up all users who have registered with the link
- Then click "approve" to allow user into Verji
Generate a Vipps registration link