We strongly recommend installing a recognized antivirus package.

Although Verji itself is 100% secure, you can have files that have already been compromised stored on your disk received from other sources, downloaded from the web, etc.

Something is blocking web traffic (firewall).

The following antivirus packages have been tested with Verji:

  • McAfee
    (Not tested yet, we are working on the case)
  • ESET
    Tested with Verji, works without customization.
  • F-Secure
    Tested with Verji, adjustment required, blocked by firewall.
  • Norton 360
    Tested with Verji, works without customization.
  • Avast Antivirus
    Tested with Verji, works without customization.

Note that some files are blocked by your browser or by Microsoft defender. In many cases, one can get around this block by installing an antivirus program that actually checks if the file is malicious instead of blocking file types on a general basis.


McAfee Eset F-Secure Norton 360 Avast antivirus fsecure